Comprehensive Financial Consulting

Personal financial management customized to the customer’s needs and to the family’s wealth structure. Defining a comprehensive investment policy, assets allocation and selecting external asset managers, including investment funds and real assets.

Daily monitoring and control over portfolio managers – implementation of the investment policy, meeting return objectives, ongoing review of asset portfolio return activities, exceptional investments and risk monitoring, comparison of costs and fees in the managed investment portfolios

Ongoing work with banks and financial institutions in Israel and abroad – daily review of transactions in bank accounts, checking balances, monitoring cash flow. Conducting phone communications and meetings with consultants and customer relations managers

Hedge Funds and alternative investments – selecting hedge funds, monitoring and control of performance, quarterly meetings with hedge fund investment managers, sale recommendations when required.

Providing updated reports on all the customer’s assets on a monthly basis Control and risk management of the customer’s assets

"We act on the customer's mission, in full transparency and committed to discretion while paying attention to information security"
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